一次是托罗,永远是托罗 is about helping former undergraduate students finish what they started and complete their degree. Our dedicated team is ready to support you through the process—from admissions to advising to registration--all the way through graduation.
应用在 加州申请回到基督教社会联盟DH有多种途径. Select a pathway below to learn more about each process and general qualifications.
如果你上次参加基督教社会联盟DH是在2023年春季, 保持良好状态, 并且没有在其他学院或大学上过课, 您将有资格提交2025年秋季欢迎回来的表格, 在2025年1月至5月31日期间, 2025.
请注意, the Welcome Back Form will be available on May 31, 2025, in the my.createyourpathtojoy.com 门户网站.
如果你上次参加基督教社会联盟DH是在两年多以前, 保持良好的学术地位或学术通知, 并且没有在其他学院或大学上过课, 你应该以归国学生的身份重新申请 加州申请.
If you left in good academic standing or were on academic notice and attempted units at another college or university, 你需要重新申请作为一个返回的转学生通过 加州申请.
如果你已经完成了计划教育休假, 你不需要申请重新入学,可以注册课程. 我们建议你联系大学的指导老师 学生成功中心 来帮助你下一步的行动.
If you were academically disqualified, meaning your 基督教社会联盟DH and/or overall GPA was below a 2.0, 你在南大毕业后进入了另一所学院/大学, 请联系你专业的指导老师 大学生成功中心 to explore strategies to increase your GPA so that you will be eligible to return.
If you are not quite ready to return, but would like for more information, please email 总是AToro@createyourpathtojoy.com 或致电(310)243-2747. We look forward to responding to your questions and we can’t wait to welcome you back.
Official transcripts for all institutions you have attended since leaving 基督教社会联盟DH are required. Applicants are expected to submit an official transcript from every institution they have attended, even if you withdrew before completing a term and whether the courses are transferable. 如果你没有上过名单上的学校, an Official Letter of Non-Attendance is required to satisfy that To-Do list item.
When ordering an electronic transcript select "加州州立大学,多明格斯山" from the drop-down list. 输入 admissions@createyourpathtojoy.com 在收件人电子邮件地址下. 有关如何提交电子成绩单的信息,请访问 createyourpathtojoy.com/future-students/admitted/final-transcripts. If you didn't attend any other universities, no transcripts are required.
If you missed the deadline to return to 基督教社会联盟DH or looking to attend classes now, 请考虑“夏季代祷”或“冬季代祷” 基督教社会联盟DH CCPE开放学术课程. You may also be interested in taking a class or two during the regular fall or spring semester via “开放大学”. 开放大学提供符合条件的学生, 在space-available-basis, the opportunity to learn from our outstanding faculty without having to be formally admitted to the university. This is perfect for student who may only need to complete a few units to graduate, need specific courses as a prerequisite to graduate studies or wants to return to school but need to improve their 基督教社会联盟DH grade point average. For students looking to return to 基督教社会联盟DH, only 24 units can be applied to bachelor’s degree. 总是, make sure you that you have an updated education plan by meeting with your Advisor in your college 学生成功中心 在注册课程之前. This will ensure that you are on the right path to completing your degree.
注册任何开放学术课程或开放大学, 你可以联系华南理工大学职业学院 & 继续教育 注册服务 电话:(310)243-3741或 createyourpathtojoy.com/ccpe/registration -提醒一下, there is no financial aid for Open University or Intercessions for non-enrolled students.
What if I was supposed to graduate or had applied to graduate but left 基督教社会联盟DH?
If you had applied for graduation or were denied graduation because of missing requirements, 你应该和学校的指导老师预约 学生成功中心 确定需要做什么来完成缺失的需求.
每个学生的情况都不一样. 你应该预约和你大学的指导老师谈谈 学生成功中心 来决定你回来后的需求.
We are excited that you have decided to come back to 加州州立大学,多明格斯山. Please submit your 加州申请 application following the deadlines for the upcoming semester. 以“转学生”身份提交申请路径. Following submission of your application, you’ll received updates about your returning process. 我们都等不及要你回学校了.
Courses taken at another institution will not be calculated into your 基督教社会联盟DH GPA, 只有你的总GPA. If you retook courses at 基督教社会联盟DH, please make an appointment with an advisor in your college 学生成功中心 重新计算你的GPA.
If you are notified of a hold on your account, you should work to clear it immediately. 请不要等到您的注册预约时间. Contact information is always provided when a hold is placed on your record. 在你的学生中心查看细节 my.createyourpathtojoy.com 联系负责清理滞留的办公室.
It's possible to take some or all of the class that you need to graduate online, 但是你应该和你大学的指导老师谈谈 学生成功中心 讨论你的选择.
To determine how much you owe, you may call the Student Financial Services Office at (310) 243-3780.
如果你被重新录取, 您可以登录您的My基督教社会联盟DH帐户, 选择学生中心图标, 并查看财务部分,以确定您所欠的余额.
Does my past due balance have to be paid before I can re-enroll in classes?
是的, any past-due-balance owed must be paid before you may re-enroll in classes. 请注意, 金融援助 funds for a “current term” may not be used to pay a “prior term” past due balance.
I was previously disqualified due to not meeting SAP – can I still apply for aid?
是的, 在大多数情况下, 先前因未达到SAP而被取消资格的学生, 是否可以提交财务援助SAP申诉以要求考虑援助. 如果先前的SAP申诉已提交并获得批准, 而且你也不符合上诉批准的条件, please contact the 金融援助 Office directly to speak with a representative 讨论你的选择. 学业进展满意(SAP)申诉表格 createyourpathtojoy.com/financial-aid/forms
如果我在社区大学没有达到最低的SAP标准, 这是否会影响我在大学的资助资格?
No, 如果你没有在你就读的社区大学遇到SAP, 这不会影响您的SAP状态或基督教社会联盟DH的援助资格.
如果我欠了一笔联邦拨款或贷款的过期余额, 这会影响我申请经济资助的资格吗?
是的, applicants with federal grant or loan overpayments are ineligible for aid until the overpayment issue has been resolved. 致电或访问财政援助办公室 & Scholarship Office to speak with a representative to receive direct information and guidance on how to proceed.
如果我没有在基督教社会联盟DH会议SAP是因为单元不足, 我在社区大学修的课程能弥补我的不足吗?
在某些情况下, 是的, units transferred in from a community college can clear a unit deficiency from a prior term at 基督教社会联盟DH.
First you must complete and submit a financial aid application (the FAFSA or CA Dream application). 请在申请表上注明的纳税年度内申报您的收入. 申请处理开始后, 如果需要任何额外的文件, the items will appear on your TO DO LIST and an email notification will be sent to your 基督教社会联盟DH student email account.
我想我的援助资格已经用尽了. 还有什么其他的融资选择?
如果你的联邦佩尔助学金资格已经耗尽, 那么州政府拨款和联邦直接贷款就可以得到. 你可以申请奖学金. 如果你的联邦直接贷款借款限额已经达到, 然后你可能会被考虑申请资助(联邦或州), 申请奖学金, 或者申请私人教育贷款.
If I only need a few more classes to graduate, can I still qualify for financial aid?
是的,但这取决于你的资助资格和单位注册情况. You must have not reached the funding limits for federal and state grants and/or loans.